News updates are now hosted on CAIRO Lab's website
[Old Updates]
Winter 2022
- CAIRO Lab had two papers accepted at AAMAS 2022 for oral presentation, including a "Best Student Paper" award runner-up! These works introduced a novel, interpretable multi-agent human-robot teaming algorithm that produces visual guidance and a novel algorithm for mobile robots using POMDP controllers to navigate switftly and safely in dense crowds.
- CAIRO Lab's paper with HIRO Group on non-prehensile manipulation was accepted for publication at RA-Letters/ICRA
Summer 2021
- CAIRO Lab's IROS 2021 paper, "Asking the Right Questions: Facilitating Semantic Constraint Specification for Robot Skill Learning and Repair", was accepted for publication.
- CAIRO Lab's RSS 2021 "Accessibility of Robot Programming and Work of the Future" Workshop paper was accepted for publication.
Spring 2021
- Thanks to my incredible PhD students, I was awarded the university's "2020-2021 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award".
- Circadence's Project Ares learning platform won the "Cutting Edge in Cybersecurity Training" category of the Global Infosec Awards as RSA 2021!
- I participated in a webinar with Dr. Dave Chatterjee on "Cyber Training Done Right: Teaching Technical and Non-Technical Skills to Prepare the Future Workforce"
- I had a great time speaking with Prof. Matthew Mauriello's class on "Computing for Social Good" about responsible deployment of collaborative robotics!
Winter 2021
- I served on a panel for the American Conference Institute's (Virtual) Conference on Global Encryption, Cloud & Cyber Export Controls
- CAIRO Lab's ICRA 2021 paper, "ARC-LfD: Using Augmented Reality for Interactive Long-Term Robot Skill Maintenance via Constrained Learning from Demonstration", was accepted for publication.
Fall 2020
- Three workshops organized with CAIRO Lab have been accepted at the 2021 International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction!
Summer 2020
- I had the opportunity to record an episode of The TeachThought Podcast with Drew Perkins, discussing online education and cybersecurity in the time of COVID-19.
- Our article "A Survey of Mental Modeling Techniques in Human-Robot Teaming" has been published by Springer, and is available here!
Spring 2020
- I was featured in an article focusing on the impacts distance learning and teaching, available here!
- Our workshop, "Solutions for Socially Intelligent HRI in Real-world Scenarios" was accepted and will be held at RO-MAN 2020, hosted in collaboration with Softbank Robotics, Hanson Robotics, and Sorbonne University!
Winter 2020
- My paper, Trustworthy Human-centered Automation through Explainable AI and High-Fidelity Simulation, was accepted at the 2020 Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference (AHFE 2020).
- CAIRO Lab was selected to participate in the Army Strengthening Teamwork for Robust Operations in Novel Groups (STRONG) research program.
- I will be speaking about our ongoing work on Explainable AI at the 2020 South American Business Forum (SABF) [Postponed]
- I am excited to announce that I will be participating in the Workshop on Humans, Machines, and Experimental Social Science (HUMANESS), hosted at NYU Abu Dhabi. [Postponed]
- I gave an invited talk at the 2020 Applied Machine Learning Days "AI & Trust" Track, hosted by EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland on January 28th.
Fall 2019
- I was a speaker at the University of Colorado Boulder Institute of Cognitive Science Colloquium Series, talking about Explainable AI and Algorithms for Responsible Collaborative Automation.
- I was featured on Robohub, talking about my lab's work on Human-Robot Collaboration!
- CAIRO Lab member Carl Mueller's paper, "Abstract Constraints for Safe and Robust Robot Learning from Demonstration" was accepted for publication at the AAAI-20 Doctoral Consortium!
- On November 21st I will be speaking at AI Los Angeles's event on AI, Cybersecurity, and Privacy at the Cedars-Sinai Accelerator
- On November 20th I will be giving a talk at the Softbank Robotics ANIMATAS Project Winter School in Paris about the intersections of my industry efforts in AI-augmented Cybersecurity and academic research toward trustworthy autonomous robot collaborators.
- On November 8th I gave a talk at the University of Washington titled "Explainable AI for Establishing Shared Expectations During Human-Robot Collaboration"
Summer 2019
- On June 22nd, I gave a TEDx Talk on Explainable AI titled "Can we trust artificial intelligence to make decisions for us?" at TEDxMileHigh Humankind
- An article I co-authored with Kristina Dores of the Namibia Civil Aviation Authority, "Using Artificial Intelligence to Mitigate Cyber-risks", was published in the International Airport Review.
Spring 2019
- I had the opportunity to participate in the Silicon Flatirons event "Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Can We Hold Machines Accountable?" as an invited panelist on May 3rd.
- I had the opportunity to participate in the National Defense University College of Information and Cyberspace's Workshop on AI/ML for Critical Infrastructure Protection/Resilience (AIML-CIP/R)
- I served on a panel for "Technology Solutions to Enhance Critical Infrastructure Protection and Incident Response around the Nation" at the AFCEA Homeland Security Conference
Winter 2019
- CAIRO Lab's paper, "Explanation-based Reward Coaching to Improve Human Performance via Reinforcement Learning" was one of two papers nominated for Best Technical Paper at HRI 2019.
- I will be giving a talk at the JST-CREST / IEEE-RAS Spring School on "Social and Artificial Intelligence for User-Friendly Robots" in Shonan Village, Japan on Explainable AI for Human-Robot Interaction on March 20th.
- Circadence's flagship cybersecurity education platform, Project Ares, was named the winner of SC Media's 2019 "Best IT Security-related Training Program" Award!
- An article I wrote, Understanding the Cybersecurity Workforce Gap, was published in Colorado Biz magazine.
- CAIRO Lab's paper with the CU Boulder IRON Lab, "Augmented Reality Interface for Constrained Learning from Demonstration" was accepted for presentation at the Second International Workshop on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interaction.
- CAIRO Labmember Aaquib Tabrez's paper, "Improving Human-Robot Interaction through Explainable Reinforcement Learning" was accepted for publication at HRI Pioneers 2019.
Fall 2018
- CAIRO Lab's paper with the MIT Interactive Robotics Group, titled "Fast Online Segmentation of Activities from Partial Trajectories", was accepted for publication at ICRA 2019!
- I will be giving a talk on Explainable AI for Human-Robot Collaboration at United Technologies Research Center on December 3rd.
- CAIRO Lab's paper, "Improving Human-Robot Collaboration through Autonomous Explanation-based Reward Coaching" was accepted for publication at HRI 2019!
- I am incredibly excited to announce that I will be joining Circadence Corporation as their CTO, helping them lead the way in applying insights from AI, Human-Robot Collaboration, and Intelligent Tutoring Systems to address global scale Cybersecurity challenges.
- CAIRO Lab hosted a TEDxMileHigh Adventure on "Intelligent Robotics: Building Our Future Autonomous Teammates", showcasing our latest research on human-robot collaboration and explainable AI!
Summer 2018
- CAIRO Lab's first paper, "Robust Robot Learning from Demonstration and Skill Repair Using Conceptual Constraints" was accepted for publication at IROS 2018!
- I delivered a keynote address at the 2018 Global Conference on Educational Robotics in Palm Springs, CA.
- CAIRO Lab was awarded an NSF National Robotics Initiative Grant, "Life-Long Learning for Motion Planning by Robots in Human Populated Environments".
- With lead author Matthew Gombolay, our journal article "Robotic Assistance in the Coordination of Patient Care" was published in the International Journal of Robotics Research.
- I am helping organize the 2018 AAAI Fall Symposium on "Interactive Learning in Artificial Intelligence for Human Robot Interaction"
Spring 2018
- I participated in the 2018 Conference on World Affairs as an invited speaker in the "Dreams of A Digitized Humanity: AI" session.
- I am serving as associate editor for the ACM Transactions on HRI Special Issue on "AI for Human-Robot Interaction"
Winter 2018
- I participated in the CU Frankenstein Bicentennial Panel on March 13th, delivering a talk about the importance of giving autonomous agents the proper tools for interacting with the world they inhabit.
- I co-organized the HRI 2018 Workshop on Longitudinal Human-Robot Teaming on March 5th, 2018.
- I gave an invited talk at the HRI 2018 Workshop on Explainable Robotic Systems on March 5th, 2018.
- I gave a keynote at the British Machine Vision Association meeting on Explainable AI on February 7th, 2018.
Fall 2017
- I gave seminar talks on the importance of "Explainable AI" for collaborative robots at the Yale Computer Science department (Nov. 2) and at the Brown Computer Science department (Nov. 8).
- I served as an Area Chair for AAAI 2018.
- I served on the Technical Program Committee for HRI 2018.
- I helped organize the AAAI Fall Symposium on Human-Agent Groups, which took place November 9-11.
- I delivered an invited talk at the IROS 2017 Workshop on Human-Robot Interaction in Collaborative Manufacturing Environments on Interpretable / Explainable AI for collaborative robots.
- I served on the Program Committee for the inaugural Conference on Robot Learning (CORL 2017).
- I gave a 4 hour tutorial on Interactive Machine Learning at the 3rd Summer School on Social Human-Robot Interaction in Vila Nova de Milfontes, Portugal -- (Part I, Part II).
Summer 2017
- I have accepted a position at the University of Colorado Boulder as an Assistant Professor in Computer Science, within the College of Engineering and Applied Science!
- My work was mentioned on Radio Atlantic in a discussion about the impact robotics can have on our daily lives.
Spring 2017
- I served on the senior program commitee for the 2017 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Melbourne, Australia.
Author information is available here! - I was quoted in the Huffington Post, the New York Daily News, Newsweek, and the Daily Kos talking about the roles coordinated chatbots can play and their potential effects on public discourse and perception.
Winter 2017
- I was featured on Discovery Canada's show "Daily Planet" -- talking about deep learning and language modeling.
- I gave a Full Tutorial at AAAI 2017 titled "Interactive Machine Learning: From Classifiers to Robotics" with Matthew Taylor and Ece Kamar.
- My paper on real-time activity recognition using interpretable models was accepted for publication at the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017) in Singapore.
- My paper on using machine learning to make robot controllers more interpretable was accepted for publication at the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2017) in Vienna, Austria.
- I served on the program commitee for the Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS 2017) in Cambridge, MA.
- I served on the program commitee for the 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2017) in San Francisco, CA.
- I participated on a panel at HRI Pioneers, taking place at HRI 2017.
Recent Media
- Popular Science, Robohub, CNN Money, and BostInno published articles about our RSS'16 paper.
- Nature posted an article I was interviewed in about scientists' concerns regarding themes of xenophobia in the US presidential election.
- Scientific American posted an article I was featured in about the future of chatbots.
Director, Collaborative AI and Robotics Laboratory (CAIRO Lab)

I am interested in developing algorithms to facilitate the creation of autonomous robots that can safely and productively learn from and work with humans. In particular, my lab's work serves to enable and facilitate
collaborative artificial intelligence, allowing robots to make human teammates safer, more effective, and more efficient at their tasks. As such, my group's research spans
many fields, including Explainable AI, Learning from Demonstration, Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning, Behavioral Modeling, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Cognitive Science, and Human-Robot Interaction.
In the media
About Me
When I am not busy with research, you can typically find me skiing, hiking, playing acoustic guitar, training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or playing ice hockey!
Copyright © Brad Hayes